Dear Grady

This is something I wrote a couple of years ago.  Grady will be six this year


Dear Grady,

It has been brought to my attention that you mean more to me than life itself!  I am 31 years old and have been over weight for about the last 10 years and have been told by several different doctors that I just have poor eating habits.  I’ve now got high blood pressure and that to is due to my weight.  My doctor has told me for years to lose 20 or 30 pounds and most of my problems will go away, but I leave his office and simply don’t pay any attention to what he had to say and do just enough to stay around my 240 lb. frame.  However i’ve weighed as much as 275 pounds and have known full well that my weight would be the downfall of my life as a husband and a parent.
About a week ago we took you to the Doctor for your four year old check up and we walked out being told that you… my baby boy was overweight.  We were told to change your diet and limit your calories!  On the way home you and I talked and you asked me what was wrong because you thought i was healthy and you followed my diet right down to the two double cheeseburgers and a large fry with a diet coke of course….
This my son was finally the motivation I needed to change my lifestyle and I thank you for that.  All the doctors couldn’t get it through my head, but a completely innocent comment by my four year old son slapped me right in the face and I am now on a mission to become the father I need to be and get in the best shape of my life so that I can see you and Bridger become the fathers that GOD has you planned to be!
It is a biblical principal to be in good shape and that is something that I need to teach you and Bridger not with talk, but with actions. Here is a prayer that Lisa (Marina’s mom) wrote for our small group and it something that I am going to do my best to read everyday to keep my self strong.  Strong in body, mind and soul!

Lord we call on you for strength, grace, will power and a renewed mind about the gift of our able bodies. Lord let our eyes to be open to the temptation and ways of the enemy to keep us in a hole of unhealthy eating. Lord we want to respect the gift you have given us by putting only good things in our temple that glorify you. We want to honor you by honoring our bodies. We rebuke the enemy and all spirits of the enemy that come aginst us and try to destroy the house you dwell in. Lord help us to conquer this battle so that we may lead a long and healthy life for our children and families and to be that Christ warrior for the sake of the kingdom!


Both of my boys mean more to me than life itself, but I apologize to you both for it taking one of you being deemed over weight for me to get my act together.  At the same time I pray that we learn from this and Break free from the enemy that is trying to keep us from what is rightfully ours… OUR HEALTH!

Just remember that when you Keep GOD first and keep Him in your life daily everything else will simply fall into place!  Dying to self is a huge thing to learn and probably the most valuable lesson in your young walk with GOD… Things are going to get tough and you will have to be ready, but do not worry thanks to you and your ability to open my eyes to get my body in shape and treat it as the temple that it is I will be here to teach you and help you with all your struggles!


Please remember that I am your father before I am your friend, but I’m also your best friend so please remember that discipline is a form of love and without discipline you won’t grow up and fulfill the plan that GOD has laid out for you!

I believe that you can take every scripture in the bible and use it as a learning/ teaching tool and In Isaiah 41:10 it says:  So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

As God is always there for us I will always be there for you

DAD! !

Grady will be six this year and I am proud to say that he is healthy and his weight is under control!  Praise God!!!

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