
Soapy is an acrostic for






This is an awesome way to get some good God time in.  It’s simple to do, just pick a book in the bible and out of that book as you read the book chapter by chapter you simple Soapy it by choosing a Scripture then give your Observation of that Scripture and how it Applies to your everyday life.  Then Reflect on what you’ve wrote and write down a Prayer about it. Then the Yahweh part is where you sit and wait on what God tells you about your Soapy!


Here’s one I did out of Romans Chapter 1

S=  11.   I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong— 12 that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith. Romans 1:11&12

O=. This is kind of my scripture to the group. There is not one couple in this group that has not impacted my life in some positive way!  Next to God himself & my wife I give you all a lot of clout in my spiritual walk because I’ve learned something different and unique from each and every one of you and with out that where would we be!  We all need other believers in our lives to help us go against the current of every day living.
A=. I hope to apply this by being more bold about my faith daily.  God has set opportunities in front of me to talk about things. Some I’ve acted on and some I haven’t. I just pray that the times I don’t start to dwindle in comparison.
P=. Father I pray for wisdom on when to be bold and tell people about what you are doing in my life and when I should sit back and let my actions do the talking.
Y=. In first Corinthians 9:23 it says I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.  I truly believe that this group Is about exactly that. Be blessed coming in and going out and to do that we need to surround ourselves with godly people and share are experiences and knowledge, but to also know that my right answer is not always your right answer so as it says in proverbs 13:20.
Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm. Which is what I think one of many things God is talking me about this group… Pull information from everyone whom you trust make an informed decision pray about it and leave the rest in the Mighty Hands of God!


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